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Which would you rather have, in a split second, a million bucks Or your health? So how do you get that good health?  Certainly not by clicking your fingers!  Right?  It is by deciding what you want, making a plan, and then taking action! 


You have heard this all before and certainly, there is a lot of conflicting information EVERYWHERE!   I had to make some life changes when I found that 6:30 am to 8:30 pm daily work schedule was ruining my life, my relationships, and my health! Once I changed my job, certain habits and lifestyle I LOST 78 pounds and regained my health, my relationship with my husband and of course the rest of the family!


Tai Chi Practice Outdoors
I found myself with no more prescription drugs, fatigue, irritability nor depression for me!    You can have what you want and what you need!   Only 10% of most people’s lives can be blamed on inheritance!  So now is the time to sort it out and stop blaming the clock, your boss, your kids, or others in your family!   I will be taking you on a step-by-step journey to improve your life, your health and vitality. 
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